这个舞者的心脏移植手术怎么样了? 康复包括在医院大厅里跳吉格舞


Heart transplant recipient Alphonso Aguilar (left) with his longtime dance partner, Irene Byrne. (图片由Irene Byrne提供)
Heart transplant recipient Alphonso Aguilar (left) with his longtime dance partner, Irene Byrne. (图片由Irene Byrne提供)

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Alphonso Aguilar's father had his second heart attack and died on the dance floor while doing the salsa. 他享年63岁.

An avid ballroom dancer himself, the younger Aguilar shares his dad's passion and prowess for dance. 事实证明,他还有心脏问题. 51岁时心脏病发作, 得知他生来就有心脏缺陷, 阿吉拉把他的能量用于避免他父亲的命运.

他开始看视频,听TED演讲, gathering ideas and inspiration for medical and holistic ideas to help him be his healthiest self.

“在我心里,我在想,‘我要活下去. 我要不惜一切代价活下去. 这不是我的时代,’”他说.

He made sure to leave his Las Vegas home every day for a change of scenery. He danced. 他唱卡拉ok.



About a year after his heart attack, Aguilar felt himself wearing out. When he got to the point where he couldn't dance an entire song without needing to sit down, 他去了急诊室. 在那里,医生告诉他,他的心脏已经恢复了10%的功能. 他患有严重的心力衰竭. 他需要做心脏移植手术.

填补空缺,直到有空位, 他接受了植入左心室辅助装置的手术, or LVAD, which helps pump blood throughout the body when the heart is too weak to do it on its own. 手术很艰难.

Once Aguilar recovered from the procedure, the LVAD allowed him to continue life on his own terms. 他和他的长期舞伴, Irene Byrne, 接着他们离开的地方, dancing at least twice a week for the next two years – knowing a phone call that would change and save his life could come at any moment.

"I made sure the volume on my phone was at its highest," he said.

然后是去年八月的一个晚上, Byrne had gone outside to get something from her car when she noticed the full moon. "Something told me Alphonso was going to get his heart that night," she said. “不到半小时后,他打电话给我:‘我有一颗心!'"

Irene Byrne (left) and Alphonso Aguilar were still dancing at least twice a week while Aguilar waited for a new heart. (图片由Irene Byrne提供)
Irene Byrne (left) and Alphonso Aguilar were still dancing at least twice a week while Aguilar waited for a new heart. (图片由Irene Byrne提供)

He left home at midnight to drive to the hospital in Southern California where the heart had become available. 在整个5个小时的车程中, he said, 他感到同样的满月指引着他前进的安慰.

By 5 a.m. he was there. 手术于8月11日晚些时候开始. 2022年11月11日,并于次年结束. All went well.

阿吉拉欣喜若狂,感激不尽. 他几乎立刻“感到更强壮、更有活力”. He began walking the hallways for 20 minutes several times a day, 还有上上下下的楼梯. Even with IVs, he felt the call to dance, doing a jig a nurse captured in a video.

After two weeks, he was ready to be discharged to a cardiac rehabilitation center. 他在那里呆了三个月,有一两次偷偷溜出去, 他带着恶作剧的神气承认, to sing karaoke and go dancing – before being released to go home. 他最近度过了一年的里程碑, 他去看心脏病医生的次数减少了.

He's still the same guy he was before the transplant, but he's different, too. 总是一个贪吃的人, he eats less and chooses healthier foods that help him stick to a low-sodium diet. 他不喝酒. 他的体脂是有史以来最低的. 他发现自己对电视上的暴力场面特别敏感, 对不认识的人更关心更友好.

“我现在外向多了,”他说. “我觉得自己像个青少年,并不是因为我精力充沛. Instead, it's because I think in terms of, 'When I grow up, I want to be this. 我想这么做.'"

阿吉拉尔想成为一名单口相声演员. 他想多唱歌,开始演戏. 他想成为一名励志演说家. 移植手术后不久, 尽管他最难上的课是公开演讲, he gave a speech for the 美国心脏协会 in front of an audience of 400.

And, of course, 他想继续跳舞, which he does up to five nights a week – two of those with his mother, who is 86.

“他在弥补失去的沙巴足球体育平台,”伯恩说. “他从未放弃跳舞. 他就是喜欢跳舞."

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.


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